Sunday, September 29, 2019

Change in the Blog's Purpose

I started this blog as a place to post some story telling with photographs of Lego minifigures.  After the first story arc, I was at a bit of a loss as to which way I wanted to go next, so I let the blog fall fallow for a while.

In the meantime, my plans for writing my own version of the original D&D rules from 1974 got pushed forward.  I decided that using the world I was just hinting at in this blog would be a good place to test out my rules and make adjustments to them.  I also had a gaming group that was already transitioning from one set of rules to another, so I hijacked that process [being the GM and all].  There were some other factors, like the player whose character was going to be center stage for the next story arc had to drop out of the group for a while and I had nothing else ready.

So for the next while, this blog will post session notes for the test campaign along with observations on what rules issues we ran into with the 3 LBB version of the rules and how I'm fixing them.  I want to eventually get back to the photography story, but that will be a while as I either need to expand my selection of minifigs or paint up my fantasy miniatures and start using those.

I hope you find the session notes detailing the adventures of a small group of outcasts adventuring in lands similar to the Holy Roman Empire of the 1500s but different in several important ways.

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